Little Rock, Arkansas

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

The Roles of Men and the Roles of Women, Seperately

Call me old fashioned, but I am a stalwart believer in the concept that men and women are different. We think differently, talk differently, socialize differently, play with our kids differently, shop differently... the list goes on and on.

I am going to fight against society's huge push to make men and women the same. Not a lot. Just a little. Enough to make a case for the natures of men and women everywhere, across time and space.

In John Stossel's video, "Men, Women, and the Sex Difference," many social scientists and other professionals analyzed the argument that men and women are "the same." Many of these professionals agreed there are not only personality differences between the two sexes but also biological differences. I encourage all who are interested to seek this video and study it out for themselves.

In the video, one of the women says something to the effect "Equality means that men and women have the same opportunities to succeed, not that we are the same."

I find this distinction to be so true. I have five brothers and let me tell you, we are not the same at all. There are definite gender differences. But does this mean we shouldn't have the same opportunities? Absolutely not. We do, however, have different divinely appointed roles, which you can learn more about in The Family: A Proclamation to the World (link below).

Yes, as men and women we were created equal. No, we are not the same. But we are equal. Adam and Eve were partners (Genesis) and we should follow their lead.

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