Little Rock, Arkansas

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

A Greater Marriage Before the Wedding Day

In class this week we discussed the factors that make up a great wedding. What are the elements of a great wedding? We've all seen movies like The Wedding Planner, Bride Wars, My Big Fat Greek Wedding, and many others, all of which imply (at least in the beginning) that it's the big, fancy cake or the decorations should be given the more attention than the combining of two lives.

With these movies in mind, I'd like to propose a few To Dos that are more important to plan than an expensive wedding.

1) Learn how to work as a team. If a couple can't work together to resolve issues or make decisions then it will be much more difficult to make the marriage last. A one person team cannot win a team game.

2) Make your expectations known. It would be a nasty shock to find out years after the wedding day that you and your spouse want completely different things out of life. Plan your lives together, not your parallel lives apart.

3) Self-supporting. This principle has been pounded into my brain since I was little. My mother taught us that we should work as hard as we can in order to stay out of debt and even build savings. Entering marriage with debt or bad money habits will put stress on the marriage. I don't mean to say you should put off being married if you are in debt or are not incredibly financially stable, but one would be wise to start being smart with money as soon as possible.

Other things to consider:
- Once you are married, what's yours is theirs and what's theirs is yours. Everything will be joinly owned
- Establish clear boundaries
- Focus on the union of lives, not the decorations, the dress, the flowers, or anything else that isn't nearly as important as your spouse.

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